Sunday, May 20, 2012

Keep Calm & Count Your Blessings

I saw this picture while I was wasting time on Pinterest and decided I should blog about it. This picture means something to me for two reasons:
1.) I've gained like a whole mess of weight since getting married. Everybody told me it would happen, and I guess a small part of me wanted to test that.
2.) I kind of have nothing better to do than eat cookies. All day long.
Jake and I are going through SOME kind of trial. A month ago, he got sick. Long story short; he had neck pains that turned into whole body pains that turned into a very very serious infection that turned into a very scary abscess that nestled itself right at the base of his skull, cutting off his artery and several nerves located there. After weeks of being in pain, we finally took him to the hospital where they started him on heavy IV antibiotics and ran a bunch of tests. Antibiotics couldn't get to the abscess-and it was starting to move down his chest (which could have eventually killed him-yes I'm serious) and one surgery and six days later, he was allowed to go home where I had to give him antibiotics through the PICC line IV in his arm for a week, and now he's finishing up his pill antibiotics. During this time, we had finals, and also moved from Cedar City to St. George. Sometimes I don't know how I survived it-but then I tell myself there are so many people who go through SO much worse.

Lately, it's been hard not to be discouraged. Jake and I are both still looking for jobs and nothing has come through. Luckily, he has been able to pick up some side work for a few people which gets us by. I've applied for countless jobs, even had an interview at SkyWest for a position I thought FOR SURE I would get, and heard nothing back. I've emailed resume after resume, talked to manager after manager, and nothing has happened. I know what you're thinking, how does that even happen? I know people who are practically illiterate with multiple jobs, and I can't even get ONE MEASLY JOB. 

We've been fasting and praying for a while now and I've come to the conclusion that Heavenly Father must be holding out for something good. Jake keeps reminding me that we are living our lives the way we are supposed to but we have to be patient for the Lord's plan. Sometimes I get carried away and forget that His plan really is so much better than my own. I'd for sure say that Jake is the rock in our relationship, he keeps me strong and I am so grateful everyday that I have such an incredible husband who loves me unconditionally and always encourages me to keep going. I know we will be blessed and I'm definitely learning to be patient. In the mean time, we are receiving many small blessings:
-Tax refund that saved our butts
-Jake's brakes that went out-miracle the mechanic managed to save his rotors and it only ended up costing us $34 instead of $250.
-Jake's valet job in Las Vegas at Caesar's Palace that lets him go down any time he wants and work.
We really are so blessed. Sometimes I feel like I don't acknowledge that enough because I'm not receiving the big things right now but I do know that I have the biggest blessing of all through being married and sealed to my best friend (mushy gushy say that in every post, I know) but it's so true and I'm forever grateful for him getting me through the days. There is no shame in humble beginnings-and I know that. I just hope some things come through for us in the next few weeks. In the mean time, we are enjoying all the time we get to spend together and our first summer as a married couple! Jake is currently in Las Vegas working at his valet job for the next three days-this is the first time we've ever spent a night apart and yes I am dying and wondering how I'm going to sleep alone. We're pathetic and totally in love. :) Until next time, XOXO!

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