Some more things that have changed:
I got a new job at the hospital working in Pediatrics, and I LOVE IT. Jake quit Red Rock Canyon School and is now working full-time at Dixie Fireplaces. School just started yesterday and we can't even believe another semester is here already. Am I really a sophomore in college? We are celebrating our six month anniversary here in like two weeks and I can't wait to see how we celebrate. Time goes by so fast! I'm not really 'officially' working at Swig anymore, just when they need me, and it makes me a little bit sad. I love that job. As stressful as it is believe it or not, I love the fun atmosphere there and am going to miss it so much. And the sugar cookies. dont judge. I thought I'd take a second to tell you guys (the few of you who read my blog...hi Mom) some things I've learned to make life a little bit easier.
- Don't take things too seriously. I've been known to do that in my life and by taking things a little less serious, I've benefitted big time. What is making you rip your hair out right now, won't even matter next week. The crappy job you are having to work right now is going to pay off and then you won't even remember doing it.
- Sometimes you have to do things you hate in order to do something you love. I've been having to do a lot of that lately. Working 60 hour weeks, never seeing my husband, cleaning toilets (yeah, I did that for a few months..) It's all going to pay off and getting that experience is going to get you closer to doing what you love.
- GO TO SCHOOL. Last semester you couldn't have paid me enough to say that. SUU ripped me a new one and I hated every second of it. But over the summer and coming back to Dixie has made me realize how important education is. You can't really go anywhere without it, unless you magically fall into an awesome career and it's not necessary. Yes, I know a few people like that, and if you are one of them you are awesome! However, even if you got a great job and feel like you don't need school, try it out anyways. The college atmosphere at Dixie State is so much fun and it's motivating to do the work. It helps you feel accomplished, even if its just one or two online classes. I work full time so I can't take the school load I want, but I'm still doing my best and it feels great. (12 credits, go me!)
- Remember all the horrible things that one girl did to you and you can't help but think about her and be super angry? Get over it. Yeah seriously. I know one (or a few) of those girls who LOVE to have drama and make people miserable. Yes, they are awful, but by sitting around being bitter and saying mean things about them puts you closer to their level. Let's all make an effort to be positive, loving, and even try to do that one big F word. Forgive. Be happy!
- Make friends. I'll admit, getting married made me a little antisocial for a while. Until I realized that we were almost falling into that monotonous lifestyle where you wake up, work, eat, go to sleep. And everyone's lives were going on too and you were missing out on most of it. Make time to call that friend you haven't seen in a while, stop by your friend's work for a second if you're in the area and say hi. I know it's hard, trust me, but it's worth it. Let's make time for friendships and maybe even go the extra mile to let someone know you are thinking about them. We all need a social life!
I'll make a super effort to post pictures of our new place ASAP! I promise :) love you all!
-Marina Goodrich
p.s Since my blog posts are always ugly and boring...does anybody wanna help me make them cute? thanks!